Seed Tags
Why is it Important to Read and Understand Seed tags?
Well to provide the most high quality turf grass for either yourself or your customer. Here at the farm we get a lot of questions as to why we support seed company's well truth be told it's because we support the embetterment of all lawns across America. We also support good clean seed because we use seed to make our products and ensure that we are using the best blends by the most reputable seed company's with perfect seed tags to provide our customer with the most cared for well maintained turf grass we can offer. All starting from SEED!!!
Now to educate about what to look for on a seed tag, First, would be weed seed and other crop should both be at 0%. Weed seed is any weed seed that made its way into either the grass seed or other crop seed. While other crop seed is seed is any cash crop seed that made its way into the bag, most commonly clover, timothy, and bentgrass. Another common trick of the trade is Inert matter which is the % of material that will not grow, and could be chaff from the seed harvesting process, or other matter that cannot produce plants. Inert matter should also be near or at 0%.
Another reason to look into seed tags is to understand what is in your varieties. Standard mixes include (90/10, 80/20, 80/10/10,50/50). We here at the farm do not grow any blends with perennial ryegrass and recommend any seed users to consider using more blends between 10-20% perennial rye to avoid the choking out of other blends (typically kentucky bluegrass in 50/50 blends).
We tell you this because we encourage you to be mindful of what seed you are using and the long term ramifications of choosing a seed variety. Picking the right seed in the beginning may cost more but will save cost in over seeding and spraying of weeds as well as provide more bang for your buck in terms of buying only grass seed instead of paying for inert matter, weed seed, and other crop seed. Thank You!
Below is an article discussing what to look at on seed tags in greater detail